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of people say COVID-19 has affected their wellbeing


Content warning: suicide and self-harm

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Feeling lonely


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Making my mental health worse


Spending too much time alone

Finding working from home difficult



Feeling stressed or anxious


Feeling worried about the future


Feeling bored


Feel like a burden on others


No-one to talk to about my worries

Spending too much time with others in household



Unable to exercise as normal

Strain on my personal relationships


Strain on
my work relationships


Click on the faces to hear how people were affected by these issues

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Clip art, Facial expression, Ear, Head, Chin, Forehead, Cartoon, Cheek, Nose, Face

My home country Brasil been devastated, the whole world dying, I was crying 15 days until face the reality, it was really

difficult. The news around the world and I was crying

Organ, Illustration, Forehead, Chin, Head, Ear, Cartoon, Cheek, Nose, Face
Illustration, Cartoon, Nose, Cheek, Hairstyle, Head, Chin, Hair, Face
Illustration, Chin, Head
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I did suddenly feel very far away from my support my family, you know about an hour away and most of the time to me that felt close. If I want to see them I jump on the train if I need help with something and I did feel that pressure of it's just me and on a quite isolated.
Illustration, Cartoon, Nose, Cheek, Hairstyle, Head, Chin, Hair, Face

looking at myself on Zoom so became aware of self-hatred.

I have been more anxious at times and there were days when I was really lonely. I really dislike

Forehead, Hairstyle, Illustration, Nose, Cheek, Head, Chin, Hair, Face
Chin, Hairstyle, Head, Cartoon, Face, Hair
Forehead, Cartoon, Chin, Hairstyle, Cheek, Head, Face, Hair
Illustration, Chin, Cartoon, Head, Face
Turquoise, Illustration, Cartoon, Chin, Head
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During lockdown, I found myself a lot more anxious than I ever have been. So... going to the supermarket where you suddenly- from going like every other day, and picking up a basket full of stuff that we need for that night and a couple of days, we were planning, having to do a week's shop. I personally think, if I was alone, I might have struggled, but 'cause I have someone with me, I think it made it a lot easier.
Forehead, Cartoon, Chin, Hairstyle, Cheek, Head, Face, Hair
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I think, because of my work perhaps, people lean on me for emotional support and usually I'm really into that. But when, actually, we're all faced with kind of the same fears, I felt less generous perhaps, in my time, in terms of helping other people manage their emotions. When I was in the same situation. So it's unusual, I suppose, that everyone's having a mini crisis together. So I think that perhaps affected a couple of my friendships as well, where I sort of drew boundaries where I wouldn't normally - much to other people's shock, but really that was because I had to protect myself. So that was sad, 'cause I think in a couple of cases that hasn't recovered and may not recover.
Illustration, Chin, Cartoon, Head, Face

distanced ... the threat of the diseases prays on my mental health.

I suffer from depression anyway and I have found the lockdown has worsened this. I feel

Illustration, Chin, Cartoon, Head
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I saw people, on Zoom, or I might see them when I was walking out and about in the street, and as things started to ease I was able to go and be in the same outdoor space as someone. But it- yeah, it still felt quite lonely and I think that was compounded by the fact that I had a break up just before lockdown as well.
Cartoon, Illustration, Nose, Cheek, Chin, Head, Face
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When lockdown shut, it took us a while to actually get brave to go out, it just didn't feel safe. After you've worked from home for a while it feels a bit risky going back to work. And I am scared. I'm a high risk group, I'm a 60 year old man with some health conditions.
Cheek, Cartoon, Illustration, Nose, Chin, Head, Face
Cartoon, Nose, Cheek, Illustration, Orange, Chin, Head, Face
Clip art, Turquoise, Illustration, Nose, Chin, Cartoon, Cheek, Head, Face
Cheek, Illustration, Cartoon, Chin, Head, Face
Hairstyle, Cartoon, Cheek, Chin, Head, Hair, Face
Turquoise, Nose, Illustration, Cheek, Chin, Head, Face
Forehead, Illustration, Hairstyle, Nose, Cheek, Chin, Head, Hair, Face

switch off and I struggled with anxiety, and mental health

I was working from
home, I lost my work routine, so the days pass without giving myself proper breaks. I couldn't

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It was a Monday night. I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone. I said to her that I'd had suicidal ideation and thoughts of self-harm. It stopped her in her tracks and I didn't even realise I was saying it, I was that disengaged from myself. I didn't even realise that those are the words I said, but they were true. She said then right, well, you got to talk to your doctor and then the doctor referred me to the emergency mental health team. And they were so alarmed by what I was saying with the over the phone assessment that they found me a bed straight away.
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We had our daughter at home. We both work full-time. My wife works in finance, she's- and she's self-employed. We- you know, I make decent money, but we really rely on her income. She makes a lot more than me and, so it became this real pressure cooker of whose job's more important.

and sitting doing nothing but staring at a screen.

As my mood and boredom increased so does my eating. Lethargy breeds more laziness and

Illustration, Cheek, Nose, Cartoon, Chin, Head, Face
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I have a big social life and I rely on going out and seeing people, and spending time with people, and then going back and having that space. But without that big social life, suddenly this space sort of engulfed me and I became very isolated and really quite upset about being kind of stuck on my own. Yeah. And yeah, I think I was scared of, scared of catching it because I didn't know enough about it. I was sort of scared of other people. Which sounds really strange but I just, I- people became sort of, a threat, if that makes sense.
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I felt like most of lockdown was just in Peaks and troughs. So it felt like one week I had huge motivation. There was a big determination to you know, kind of carry on regardless and then other times where it felt like, you know, the world is burning so why am I bothering to do any work and I feel really desperate and sad and like I don't want to really do anything.


Feeling stressed or anxious

Finding working from home difficult


Double-click to select video


Making my mental health worse


Spending too much time alone

Feeling lonely


Spending too much time with others in household



Unable to exercise as normal

Strain on my personal relationships



Feeling bored


No-one to talk to about my worries


Feeling worried about the future


Feel like a burden on others

Strain on
my work relationships


Forehead, Cartoon, Chin, Hairstyle, Cheek, Head, Face, Hair
Click to read text version
I think, because of my work perhaps, people lean on me for emotional support and usually I'm really into that. But when, actually, we're all faced with kind of the same fears, I felt less generous perhaps, in my time, in terms of helping other people manage their emotions. When I was in the same situation. So it's unusual, I suppose, that everyone's having a mini crisis together. So I think that perhaps affected a couple of my friendships as well, where I sort of drew boundaries where I wouldn't normally - much to other people's shock, but really that was because I had to protect myself. So that was sad, 'cause I think in a couple of cases that hasn't recovered and may not recover.
Cartoon, Nose, Cheek, Illustration, Orange, Chin, Head, Face

Content warning: suicide and self-harm

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It was a Monday night. I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone. I said to her that I'd had suicidal ideation and thoughts of self-harm. It stopped her in her tracks and I didn't even realise I was saying it, I was that disengaged from myself. I didn't even realise that those are the words I said, but they were true. She said then right, well, you got to talk to your doctor and then the doctor referred me to the emergency mental health team. And they were so alarmed by what I was saying with the over the phone assessment that they found me a bed straight away.
Turquoise, Illustration, Cartoon, Chin, Head
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I saw people, on Zoom, or I might see them when I was walking out and about in the street, and as things started to ease I was able to go and be in the same outdoor space as someone. But it- yeah, it still felt quite lonely and I think that was compounded by the fact that I had a break up just before lockdown as well.
Organ, Illustration, Forehead, Chin, Head, Ear, Cartoon, Cheek, Nose, Face

My home country Brasil been devastated, the whole world dying, I was crying 15 days until face the reality, it was really difficult. The news around the world and I was crying

Cheek, Cartoon, Illustration, Nose, Chin, Head, Face
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When lockdown shut, it took us a while to actually get brave to go out, it just didn't feel safe. After you've worked from home for a while it feels a bit risky going back to work. And I am scared. I'm a high risk group, I'm a 60 year old man with some health conditions.

Click on the faces to hear how people were affected by these issues